We are partnered with Ryder Albania who started work in Tirana in 1993 with support from the Sue Ryder Charity in the UK.
Initially, Ryder Albania provided free home care services to terminally ill cancer patients and to the elderly suffering from chronic illness in the capital city. Then, in 1996 it extended its services and opened a home care service in Durres, the second largest city in Albania. Today, Ryder Albania’s multidisciplinary teams offer home care services in both cities. The teams provide free medical care, psychological counselling and assistance with social service issues to patients and their families.

Since 2018, Hospices of Hope together with Ryder Albania has made a major contribution towards the development of palliative care in Albania with the help of Medicor foundation, international funding, Hospices of Hope grants and local fundraising. During this short period, the organisation has managed to overcome several challenges generated by the political and economic climate, the earthquake in 2019 and the Covid pandemic. We have helped build the capacity of our country partner not only by providing financial support but also by working closely with them on increasing their fundraising capacities, by helping them develop new services and by lobbying and advocating together with them at a government level for financial support and for improving the legislation.